Health Barriers to Learning

When children have certain health problems, it can impact their ability to learn in school. Health barriers to learning can be addressed with the right information and care. Click on each topic to learn more about how it affects kids in class, prevents them from attending school, and what you can do to help.

Mental Health

Mental Health
Students who have trouble focusing and controlling emotions may struggle in the classroom. Learn more about how you can help keep kids emotionally healthy.

Uncontrolled Asthma

Uncontrolled Asthma
Uncontrolled asthma is a common cause of missed school days. Some asthma symptoms may keep kids up at night making them too tired to focus in class. Learn more about how you can help control asthma.

Vision Problems

Vision Problems
Kids need healthy eyes to read, write, and see the board in school. The good news is most vision issues can be treated, especially if they are caught early. Learn more about how you can help catch vision problems.

Dental Pain

Dental Pain
Dental pain is a common reason for missing school or being unfocused during class. Learn more about how you help keep kids free of dental pain.

Hearing Problems

Hearing Problems
Healthy ears help kids learn and communicate in class and at home. Learn more about how to identify hearing issues.


Eating full meals can help keep kids focused in class. When a child comes to school hungry, they can suffer from headaches or stomachaches. Learn more about how you can help keep kids hunger-free.

Lead Exposure

Lead Exposure
Lead exposure can cause children to have slowed thinking, speech, and language skills. Learn more about how you help keep kids lead-free.

Interactive Tools

Interactive Tools
Our interactive tools help promote healthy spaces at home and in school. Click here to explore our tools that support health in schools.