Helpful Tools

Our monthly newsletter provides tools, tips, and resources to help keep kids Healthy and Ready to Learn. To stay up to date on program activities and local events, sign up for our newsletter. Click below to view past newsletters and learn more about our monthly themes.

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February: The Flavor of Love

February: The Flavor of Love
Love is in small acts of kindness, in the way we listen, and even in the lessons learned from tough times. Love, at its core, is what gives life its deepest meaning.
January: The Power of Just Being this New Year

January: The Power of Just Being this New Year
​As the new year kicks off, many of us are thinking about resolutions. In a world that is always “go-go-go,” taking the time to focus on our inner peace and well-being is essential.
December: Holiday Wisdom

December: Holiday Wisdom
We know how hard you work to create magic for your loved ones, and that effort alone is a gift. Take a moment to enjoy the little thing, you deserve it!
November: Joy vs. Gratitude

November: Joy vs. Gratitude
As we welcome November, let’s take a moment to think about the gifts of joy and gratitude. When we are in a state of gratitude, even the small things become sources of joy.
October: Fall Vibes

October: Fall Vibes
Fall is a season full of wonders for young learners. Simple, everyday moments—like hearing leaves crunch underfoot or seeing the changing colors—help children explore and build important skills.
September: Tips to a Healthy School Year

September: Tips to a Healthy School Year
To help set up a great year, here are two important things to focus on: your child's vision and be part of your school community! Education flourishes when everyone works together!
August: Adventure Awaits

August: Adventure Awaits
August is Family Fun Month! Did you know that families who have fun together tend to be happier and more connected?
July: Health Barriers to Learning

July: Health Barriers to Learning
When children have certain health problems, it can impact their ability to go to school and learn. We call these health barriers to learning and they can be addressed with the right information!
June: The Vital Role of Fathers

June: The Vital Role of Fathers
Fathers play a vital role in nurturing and shaping their development. By caring for their mental health, fathers can better support themselves and their families.
May: Superhero behind every Mom!

May: Superhero behind every Mom!
This month we are giving a shout-out to all the incredible mothers and mother figures out there! In the busy world of being a mom to little ones, recharging is essential.
April: Stress Awareness Month

April: Stress Awareness Month
Stress, like April Fools jokes, can play games with us. Stress is like the ultimate prankster: sneaking up on us when we least expect it. Let's talk about it.
March: In the Spirit of Sisterhood

March: In the Spirit of Sisterhood
Teaching our children about sisterhood is like planting seeds of kindness, understanding, and cooperation in them while teaching them to recognize the wonderful things about their own families!
February: Nurturing Yourself

February: Nurturing Yourself
As we step into February, a month traditionally associated with love, let’s turn our focus inward to explore self-love and acceptance.
January: Building Healthy Habits

January: Building Healthy Habits
Happy New Year! Whether you’re still going strong, already left your resolution behind, or set goals throughout the year, we have some tips for starting the year well.
December: The Grinch

December: The Grinch
Let us be inspired by a story we all know: “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” The Whos showed the Grinch that the true magic of the holidays is about being thankful for what we already have.
November: Grace

November: Grace
Grace can play an important role in our lives as parents and caregivers and in how we educate our children. Let’s practice showing ourselves and our children grace this holiday season!
October: Good Vibes During Anxious Times

October: Good Vibes During Anxious Times
It is important to keep in mind the influence of maintaining a positive environment throughout these stressful moments. In our homes, we have the ability to create and maintain good vibes.
September: A School Community

September: A School Community
Parents and caregivers are an important part of the school community! So, let’s come together with our school community this year to create the best possible learning environment.
August: Summer Wind Down

August: Summer Wind Down
Spending quality time together before the summer is over helps everyone get ready for the back-to-school routine.
July: Beat the “Summer Slide”

July: Beat the “Summer Slide”
There are also ways to keep your child learning while school is out. It is important to make sure your child continues learning over the summer months to avoid the “summer slide”.
June: Fatherhood Matters

June: Fatherhood Matters
Fatherhood provides an opportunity to help shape the hearts and minds of children. Father figures nurture the best in their children and can make them feel loved and accepted for who they are.
May: Taking Care of Our Inner Garden

May: Taking Care of Our Inner Garden
For a garden to bloom it takes work, time, and effort. Gardening your mind can help you grow a beautiful inner garden of strength, peace of mind, and grace.
April: Emotional Weather Forecast

April: Emotional Weather Forecast
Each morning, we check the forecast to prepare for the day ahead. But, how do we prepare for the emotional weather that occurs within each of us, the kind that we cannot predict?
March: Build a family history of resilience

March: Build a family history of resilience
Take a moment to reflect on the stories of women that have inspired you to walk with courage in ways you never imagined. Each footprint symbolizes a step toward progress.
February: Spread the LOVE!

February: Spread the LOVE!
With Valentine's Day approaching, let’s spread the LOVE with random acts of kindness. Let us inspire everyone in our lives with extra warmth and kindness from our hearts.
January: TA-DA LIST!

January: TA-DA LIST!
With the start of a new year, we strive to build healthy habits. A TA-DA! list can be a source of inspiration, enabling us to celebrate every step that moves us closer to achieving our goals.
December: ‘Tis the season to be jolly

December: ‘Tis the season to be jolly
When we feel overwhelmed it is ok to slow down and say “no” to new commitments. This can help us to stay present and find some peace and joy this season.
November: Add Some Gratitude

November: Add Some Gratitude
Too often, as parents, educators, and caregivers, we forget to feel appreciation for ourselves. Practicing self-gratitude is about showing yourself kindness and appreciation!
October: Group Mantras

October: Group Mantras
One way to encourage positivity in the lives of our children is to create a group mantra. The mantras and values that you share with children can positively influence their environments!
September: Recipe for School Readiness

September: Recipe for School Readiness
Back-to-school butterflies can feel like a mix of nerves, anxiety, and excitement.Encourage your children and students each day to set their minds and hearts on having a positive learning day.